Antlantic Pediatrics
Main office phone number
(401) 943 - 7337.
(401) 943 - 7337.
Welcome to the website of Atlantic Pediatrics RI, also known as Drs. Concannon & Vitale. We are a child health practice servicing children from birth through college. Please use the menu above for more information.
- FLU & COVID VACCINES ARE NOW IN. Please call for a slot in one of our vaccine clinics. For more information about the vaccines
- Due to high demand we were currently accepting into our practice newborns, and also children who were patients of Dr. Ohnmacht or of Dr. DeAngelis, ALL of whom must be 5 years old or less.
- We are aware of the medical records transfer charges incurred from the office of Dr. DeAngelis, but please understand we are not able to absorb these costs for you.
- We DO NOT accept Neighborhood Health Plan.
Our fax number is
(401) 942--1509.
(401) 942--1509.